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-Registered in Brazzaville (CONGO) to the General Direction of Environment (DGE),with the number: 
0063/MDDEFE/DGE/DDEEC-SEE of December 21st,2009 
-RECEIPT of Declaration to the Ministry of interior: 027/MID/DGAT/DER/SAG of February 9th,2010 
-Registered to the General Government Secretary of CONGO and published in the Official Journal of Congo of March 4th 2010, number 09, page 181 
FACEBOOK ADDRESS:éveloppement-de-la-Jeunesse-APEDJ/189131127788655 
Discover our photos, activities, our events online on facebook, ask us questions and we will be happy to answer or add us as friend. 
THE NEW WEBSITE OF AFEYD IS:, please, have a look in that new website.  
2011: The Interntaional Year of Forets 
The UN has proclaimed 2011, the International Year of Forests. A particular attention should be given to forests for their invaluable services because through forests we have: 
-Woods, we have food, we have the medicaments, housing, etc. Forests are the guardians of the climate, stabilize the soils of erosions. Activities are planned by the international community to honor the year of forests. The AFEYD is not remained indifferent also.In its program of activities for 2011, The AFEYD has planned activities to honor the 2011 International Year of Forests (See section Our Programme). For more information on forests, see the section of "Environment" after select and read the article "Forest". 
The year 2011 was declared International Year of Forests by the United Nations. Therefore, special attention should be paid to forests for their invaluable services for the biodiversité.A forest is a tract of land consisting of trees. This stretch of trees should be retained, preserved and managed in a sustainable manner for greater impact in the economy of a country and the mitigation of global warming. Trees help reduce emissions of greenhouse gases where their planting is part of the activities principales. In planting trees, APEDJ or AFEYD contributes to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, contributes to the UNEP campaign to plant a billion trees and lauch a call to other NGOs/associations of the environment, sustainable development and environmental education to schools to do as much to fight against global warming because trees: 
-Are the guardians of the climate, the more you cut down trees unless it rains and will increasingly hot 
-Stabilize the earth to slow the degradation; 
- Give us fresh air and protects us from the sun; 
- We provide food (case of fruit trees). In general, forests are green lungs of a very remarkable country with their ecological, economic and social. Forest degradation leading to severe droughts, erosion and the heavy rains. Therefore APEDJ/AFEYD says: 
"Health forests = health of biodiversity, forest degradation = loss of biodiversity." 
Forests play four (4) major roles in climate change. When cleared, exploited, degraded and sustainably managed, they: 
-Produce about one-sixth of global carbon emissions; 
-React sensitively to changes in climate; 
-Produce wood fuels that replace fossil fuels favorably; 
-Are able to absorb one-tenth of global carbon emissions in their biomass, soils, and storing these products in perpetuity. Give estimates of our forests and trees in concrete actions. 
2011, Year of Forests: The three forest basins tropical world: the Congo basin,the Borneo-Mekong basin and the Amazon basin. With three pools, 80 percent of the world's tropical forests is also 2/3 of biodiversity terrestre.For other information about forest, see "Environment" after reading the selection and article "Forest". 
< Unity is strength to fight climate change > 
We are: Association For Environment and Youth Development(AFEYD).We are based in a school in Brazzaville,CONGO where we share with children and youths our program of activities so that everyone lives in a healthy environment and go to the sustainable development.In French language, the association is called :Association Pour l'Environnement et Développement de la Jeunesse(APEDJ). 
We all know,environmental degradation kills.The development of the world must be made in harmony with the environment otherwise the poverty will not end because the survival of populations depends on the essential services provided by the environment.Our environment needs a commitment of all persons.We can reverse that degradation, create a healthy and sustainable environment hence our motto: "for every young person:a healthy and sustainable environment." Therefore the association was created.we are an association of young people non-governmental.In CONGO Brazzaville, the youth is the target of poverty by lack of information, education, good health, training and employment.And as an association of young people we are conducting activities to raise awareness in quarters, in schools against the environmental degradation and difficulties concerning youth. 
So if you are an association or organization, program, project, school ... fighting for the environment we can work together for the same causes. we can exchange ideas, activities, experiences, participate to the conferences, discussions, seminars .... concerning our environment.You can reach the secretariat  
We shall be very happy to be in touch with you. 
NOTE: The Association is a nonprofit,voluntary and we are volunteers for environment and youth 
Thank you 
The coordinator of association 
"For every young person:a healthy and sustainable  


(c) Association Pour l'Environnement et Developpement de la Jeunesse (APEDJ) / Association For Environment and Youth Development (AFEYD) - Made with the help of
Last modified on 12.08.2015
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