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Workshop,conference ,seminar participated

AFEYD is a participatory structure still active in activities.Here are some Worksops,Conferences and Seminars for 2010. 
MONTH of October  
** From October 22-23: Workshop for analysis and validation of NGO contributions to the R-PP (Reductions Program in emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) in Congo Brazzaville. In this workshop, participants have discussed on the capacity building between indigenous peoples and local for an effective awareness on the REDD in Congo Brazzaville. Participants were divided into different groups to take steps for a good involvement in REDD.(See the photo below). 
** From October 23-24: Meeting of restitution of works of the training workshop on environmental impact assessment of mining projects in Brazzaville (Congo). In this meeting the particpants have received the explanation to the process of environmental impact assessment is a process until not known in Congo. The benefits have been identified for environmental impact assessment before embarking on a mining project which guaranty us a healthy and sustainable environment.(See the photo below) 
MONTH of January 
** From 20-22: Workshop to launch REDD in Republic of CONGO.Organized by the World Bank, the Congolese Government through the Ministry of Sustainable Development of Forest Economy and Environment (MDDEFE), Forest Carbon Partnership and WCS.The REDD means: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation of forest. AFEYD has participated in the workshop of national civil society to engage in advocacy, education, capacity building. 
** From 26-28: Seminar workshop on the dissemination of codes of water and electricity held by the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulics (MEH). Workshops have been created for the group work. AFEYD was in the workshop group n°1 with the title: with strategy to work together with everyone for the proper functioning of structures such as SNE, SNDE, ORSE, ANHYR, ARSEL, ANER the FDSEL and FDSE. 
** From 28-30: Departmental Conference for Youth, organized by the MInistry of Civic Education and Youth (MECJ) with theme: "contribution of youth to the sustainable development." A youth charter was adopted and AFEYD gave the idea that the environment must be taken into account for the youth and this idea has been successfully adopted. 
** 30th: Workshop strategic platform combining Congolese NGOs of the country for sustainable management of forests to contribute to APV CONGO/ EU organized by OCDH. Strategies were adopted to strengthen the operational capabilities of the platform sustainable management of forest. The workshops have been organized and AFEYD participated in the workshop strategies for involvement the platform in the process REDD. 
The results given have been adopted by the Assembly. 
For every young person: a healthy and sustainable environment.


(c) Association Pour l'Environnement et Developpement de la Jeunesse (APEDJ) / Association For Environment and Youth Development (AFEYD) - Made with the help of
Last modified on 23.01.2012
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