The UN General Assembly in its resolution 61/193 of 20 December 2006, proclaimed 2011 International Year of Forests and invites non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders at all levels to make concerted efforts to enhance awareness sustainable management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests for the benefit of present and future generation.
Forests provide shelter for men and habitat for biodiversity, are sources of food, medicines and clean water and play an essential role in maintaining climatic stability and worldwide environmental.All those elements together strengthen the message that forests are vital for the survival and well-being of the 7 billion people living on our planet.
For this year 2011, AFEYD/APEDJ has scheduled a tree planting in May to honor the forests.
A poem about the persecution of the trees was been written by a member of AFEYD/APEDJ.
Title: The persecution of trees
See,the persecution of trees!
from what we blame you?
you who recklessly destroyed?
Instead of making it wisely and order
Thank our trees for:
-sheets of papers
-the wooden chair on which you are sitting
Oh,take a look at the wooden ceiling above you
Yes,the wooden door of your house
At the table in your dining room
So,don't forget dear young people
Our trees protect and stabilize the earth.
Ideas and written by: Roll Matifath Bouesso of AFEYD/APEDJ (Brazzaville, Congo)
You are all invited to do something about forests and trees in this year proclaimed by the UN the International Year of Forests (IYF). If yoy are a school, a NGO, an association... you are all invited. You can join AFEYD/APEDJ on May 21st 2011 to plant trees to honor together IYF. So, don't hesitate to contact us.
For every young person: a healthy and sustainable environment