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ACTIVITIES conducted and participated

Since the creation of Association,AFEYD has already participed and conducted to some activities. For more information to view all photos about AFEYD, you can see the photoalbum on this wedsite or at this link at: 
-June 5th, 2011: Celebration of WED in Brazzaville Congo. In that activity we have collected the plastic bags, waste, to clean roads of some areas of Brazzaville. A march of protestation has been planed on August 13rd, 2011 to struggle against environmental degradation due to plastic bags... 
-May 21st, 2011: Tree planting to honor the IDB, Before tree planting and environmenatl education has been made concerning the importance of trees, forests in our life. 
-February 20, 2011: Climate Change Campaign and Environment: For this activity, AFEYD/APEDJ has given an environmental education on climate change and at the same time, the network of sustainable development was presented to participants, the young people have given promises to help reduce the effects of climate change and honored the International Year of Forests. (see photo album for pictures). 
- November 6, 2010: Participation in the 24th edition of the National Tree Day in the Congo RC with the theme "Fight against deforestation and degradation of our forests by planting trees and respect the trees in order to stabilize the climate." The APEDJ/AFEYD hs planted 50 trees.  
- 10/10/10 in Brazzaville (CONGO): The climate change activity with 350 for the struggling against the climate chance. 
- september 21, 2010: ENO tree planting day at CSI kinsoundi (Brazzaville) 
June 16, 2010: Celebration Day of the African Child with the theme: "an environment free bags for child survival." With the support of UNICEF, Ministry of Social Affairs, Humanitarian Action and Solidarity. AFEYD has taken part of this event to raise awareness children to get involve on environment. 
- June 5, 2010: The celebration of the WED in KIGALI (Rwanda). One member of AFEYD has taken part to the WED in KIGALI where many young people from African countries did exchange some strategies, ideas to make green our environment. Activities like: dance, expostions, tree planting were conducted in KIGALI. For more information, you can visit the photoalbum at:  
- June 5, 2010: Celebration of World Environment Day (WED)in Brazzaville. AFEYD has participated in this celebration where an action of collecting plastic waste (bags) was conducted with municipal officials of Makélékélé hall and with other NGOs /associations in the avenues of OUA and Fulbert YOULOU. The ceremony ended at the Central Hall. 
- May 22, 2010: Celebration of the International Day of Biodiversity in partnership with ENO Program, Green Wave, CBD. Two schools have joined AFEYD on May 22 (the school la médiane and the school Loango Marine), an action of tree planting was carried out to honor biodiversity, 75 trees were also planted.Animations were made as: a song of biodiversity composed by Mr.NZITA (member of AFEYD) was sung, a poem about the persecution of trees was recited by school children of la médiane. 
That activity has passed in the school Loango marine in Kinsoundi area in Brazzaville. 
-13 February 2010: Environmental education in the school la médiane. A brief description about AFEYD in its environmental operation, its business plan including its projects, were presented to the guests. 
- The international water day here in Brazzaville.In that activity ,we have learnt the importance of water in our life.We say:" water is life".Through water we have a good health.So,we must take care of water:not to throw away and dirty it.In fact,we can say,water does contribute for our environment. 
-The international Day on environment 
- Achieved activity:We have called that acitiviy 
"BRAZZA THE GREEN".We have chosen kinsoundi road for cleaning up the dirty water on the road. 
-The association has participed the international youth day on August 12th 2009 with the NGO SERVAS held in the memorial PIERRE SAVORGNAN DE BRAZZA with the UNDP resident Coordonator of CONGO and PASSI(the musician) who is the ambassdor of peace at the UN(see the photo in album photo). 
-From August 22nd to september 4th 2009,AFEYD has participed to the HIV/AIDS activity for teaching youth about this disease(see photos in HIV/AIDS and albumphoto) 
-The association celebrated the 43rd World Day of Literacy September 8, 2009 with the Ministry of Education for Literacy under the theme: Literacy and empowerment to enable Congolese to read and write. 
-Celebration of World Day of washing hands and launch the project "Improvement of the school environment for children, wash the hands with soap for Better Health" on October 15th, 2009 in Brazzaville inside of LOANGO Marine School Kinsoundi .Assisted by: Minister for Primary and Secondary Education and UNICEF. 
-AFEYD has attended at the celebration of 5th edition of World support Day and palliative care under the theme: "make hearing your voice " on October 17th , 2009 in Brazzaville inside of UNIC. 
For every young person: a healthy and sustainable environment 


(c) Association Pour l'Environnement et Developpement de la Jeunesse (APEDJ) / Association For Environment and Youth Development (AFEYD) - Made with the help of
Last modified on 23.01.2012
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