Some steps to go towards a health and sustainable environment in your community:
-To prohibit smoking in public places
-Eliminating waste to help the community to live in a healthy environment
-To plant trees and clean streams
-Planting trees that protect from the sun
-The stagnant water promotes the spread of malaria and other infectious diseases
-Children which are playing in dirty and polluted waters can contract diseases
-To teach to the children and young people to create a healthy and sustainable environment
-Dirt and soil polluted hardor germs that transmit diseases
-The water carried through lead pipes and paint and dust contianing lead can harm the health and intellectual development of youth
-Keep your child away from smoke when cooking and do not smoke in the presence of children or young people
-A constant loud noise prevents children or young people to focus
-A highly-polluted air inside and near schools causes respiratory problem to the children or young people
-To teach to the children and young people to clean the earth
-To teach to the children and young people to plant trees.
For every young person: a healthy and sustainable environment