We are an Association for Environment and Youth Development(AFEYD),in french language the association is called: APEDJ(Association Pour l'Environnement et Développement de la Jeunesse),created in March 2009 through the meeting of young people led by Mr BOUESSO Roll Matifath due to environmental degradation that does exist in our country Congo and the difficulties related to youth. Among the young people invited, there were Mr Bona Vacelan, Miss Linda BABAKADIO, Miss Nadège NKODIA, Mr DAKORE Aymar, Miss MAFOUTA Gaëlle, Mr MBASSI Eric, Miss Mélanie NGOMA...and other young people. Mr BOUESSO related the facts during that meeting and the invitation has been launched to work so that we make the environment healthy ,the young people have accepted that decision and came the creation of association:some administrative documents were written during that meeting such as: statuts...and they are a property of association.
The motto of the association is: "for every young person, a healthy and sustainable environment".
Thank you
The Coordinator of Association
"for every young person: a healthy and sustainable environment"